Friday, November 28, 2008

Act of Shame!

All said and done, are we not tired of it? Since 1999 there have been constant attacks and all we say at the end is "We have great spirit", "Hats off to the spirit of getting back to normal life", infact our honorable PM(no matter who, coz they all say the same thing) said "We'll not tolerate it", but what we are doing right now is nothing but tolerating. If a civilian gets killed in UK or US because of terrorist, it becomes a big issue and they all vow not to take it lightly, but over here, is there a single day when a life has not been taken by the clutches of terrorism? Its high time that we stop acting like "Phoneix", instead, its time to kill Terrorism. When other nations can have a control over terrorism, why not us? Being one of the superpowers of the world, its high time that we act rather than speak and show condolescence by killing terrorism rather than by lighting candles! Because, if we dont act now, we'll have the same topic forever, may be at the cost of other innocent lives! I hope our leaders do act sensibly atleast now! 

Its a disgrace to see our politicians playing with the lives of innocent people!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Heights of Stupidity

I was reading the Times of India online and just saw one of the blunders by a buffoon of Indian Politics. I know that our country is a democratic nation and everyone has "Right to Speech", but I think a person who is in such a reputed post needs to give some work to a God given gift called "Brain". Yes, if you have guessed it from the metaphor I used to address that person, then kudos to you, its none other than Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav.

I have respect to Mr. Lalu for what he has done to Indian Railways, but making such stupid statements not only degrades him, but degrades India as a whole. At first, it was Sonia Gandhi, who called India's most respected person, Atal ji as "Gaddar", ironically, she referred to the same person against whom Mr. Nehru did not campaign in 1960s as he thought that India needs leaders like Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Now, its Mr. Lalu's turn to say stupid things, I wonder when we'll have leaders with "common" sense!!!

Review of Quantum of Solace

Just finished Quantum of Solace and boy, how can one make sucha a bad movie! This movie is as worse as XXX2 is. The elegance and the charm of Bond is replaced by a maniac who kills about anyone and everyone, ofcourse, Daniel Craig is brilliant, but apart from that, there's nothing! Action scenes are good but definitely there's no ways that they can be related to the good old Pierce Brosnan's movies. And where the hell is Mr. Bond and his usual mannerisms??? There's no mention of Martini, he drives a bike and an old car(except for first few mins, where he drives the same old Aston for the 3rd time!!!) Most importantly, for the first time in my life have I seen Bond being so pathetic with gals! No wonder, the movie was boring for me, but yeah, it no way matches the Casino Royale or Die Another Day charm. 

I just hope they dont screw up another Bond movie like this!!!

Liar's Poker & Straight from the Gut

After a long time, I read a non fiction book which was more thrilling than Sidney Sheldon's novels. Liar's Poker is one book that must be read by every individual who is skeptical about Share Market and the way it works. Hats off to Michael Lewis for portraying 1985's Bond Market in such an awesome manner. The best thing about the novel is its simplicity, the author has narrated the story in an excellent fashion. And kudos to author's sense of humor, for instance, the way he explains the incidence of SEC's raid over a petty theft issue is simply hilarious. Kudos to him.

This weekend, I happened to read Jack Welch's story in his own words. Man, what an inspiring book it is, I regret for not reading it all these years! I must say, he's one hell of an inspiration. :-) He is rightly named the "Manager of the Century" by Fortune. More than anything, I liked his frank ness in saying what he is, he talks about his love for power and the dirty politics which he had to play to become the youngest CEO. I think only he and Steve Jobs are able to do so. I must say, its one book that no one should miss out!